Investors looking for a well-diversified portfolio with a focus on undervalued companies
Holdings |
Based on an allocation of 70% stocks, 30% bonds |
U.S. Total Stock Market | 23.40% |
U.S. Value Stocks - Large Cap | 6.20% |
U.S. Value Stocks - Mid Cap | 5.10% |
U.S. Value Stocks - Small Cap | 4.30% |
Int'l Developed Market Stocks | 19.30% |
Int'l Emerging Market Stocks | 11.60% |
U.S. High Quality Bonds | 9.80% |
Int'l Developed Market Bonds | 10.90% |
Int'l Emerging Market Bonds | 5.50% |
U.S. Short-Term Treasuries | 0% |
U.S. Short-Term High Quality Bonds | 0% |
U.S. Inflation-Protected Bonds | 3.80% |
Additional Resources
AlphaX Trade Portfolio StrategyAllocations as of June 30, 2023.
This portfolio strategy has 101 different allocation options, from 0% bonds to 100% stocks. The 70% stock, 30% bond portfolio has been selected to display holdings. Different allocations will have different weights of each asset class. AlphaX Trade may recommend a different allocation based on various goal inputs tailored to each client, including the time horizon for your goal with the longest period starting at 90% stocks. The holdings shown reflect the portfolio model for tax-deferred accounts, like IRAs or 401(k)s. Expect differences in taxable accounts.
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